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铝板生产企业 铝卷良心厂家

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文章出处:www.jngdly.com 责任编辑:admin 人气:484 发表时间:2023-01-09 14:50:34

Jinan, semi-finished and finished aluminum production process, as well as in the production process foil finishing,annealing, transport, packaging and other processes, and inevitably there will be some shortcomings, the majority of the experts following Alcoa Jinan give you details look.
Jinan defective part is aluminum ingot, billet casting defect itself, sometimes the injection ingot, the casting step may be exposed, may not be found, and in the subsequent further processing in order to be exposed; the other is in the foil strip rolling system, finishing, annealing, transport, packaging and other production processes generated in the process. Most of these defects are generated due to equipment failure, mishandling, improper adjustment of process parameters, the operator unskilled and various other causes, there are many kinds of quality defects, mainly a large number of pinholes, the thickness of the ultra-poor, flat poor, the broken belt for various reasons, to reduce these defects is very meaningful.
Jinan aluminum plate is rolled in a thin state, uniformity of thickness, rolling speed of the material, tension, are very sensitive to the rolling oil, the various defects in the most critical is the solution to the pinhole broken belt and, in particular, more important for high-speed mill.
